What our project is all about?

The project is about developing a new egg based product for Munax Oy. The product would be innovative, new kind of dessert, that fits the company's image. The developing process consist of product development and packaging design as well as marketing the product.
We will work closely with the company under their guidance, keeping in touch via Whatsapp and weekly meetings. We will also getting to know the company thoroughly and it's manufacture in Laitila.

How are we doing - beginning of the year

Welcome year 2019 and welcome new tasks!

Before Christmas our task was to create 1 to 3 possible product concept ideas, so that we'll end up with ideas between 8 and 24. We continued working right after New Year's on 2nd of January with Skype-meeting. Everyone was still all around the country for the holiday's! So we went through our ideas in group with PO. We had a good discussion about those and which are the ones that we might be able to continue with.

After the discussion we agreed to focus on few of those options. Regarding of our project - product development and we have agreed on NDA's - we can't write that specific information on our public blog, but I tell you we have worked with this project and done some progress.

We divided us to few groups with those product concept ideas and developed those even better and further (Skype-meetings in smaller groups in other words). On 10th of January we arranged another Skype-meeting with these presentations. And also with our new team member! Mikael joined us now, since he was in exchange last autumn. You can read more about Mikael from our blog already ;)

But back to business, we again talked about what works and what doesn't in these product ideas and how to develop those to 'right' direction. We also got the task to think even more outside the box, like our PO said "go crazy and be visual!".

So after these two Skype-meetings with our PO, we have the main ideas that we are working with from this point on. Can't tell those, but hopefully those succeed and are available at the market some day!

So, now we are continuing with product and production development in close co-operation with Munax. Stay tuned!

Kuvahaun tulos haulle skype
This is something that we have come very familiar with - couldn't been able to make it without!


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