What our project is all about?

The project is about developing a new egg based product for Munax Oy. The product would be innovative, new kind of dessert, that fits the company's image. The developing process consist of product development and packaging design as well as marketing the product.
We will work closely with the company under their guidance, keeping in touch via Whatsapp and weekly meetings. We will also getting to know the company thoroughly and it's manufacture in Laitila.

Pitch it out!

Kuvahaun tulos haulle pitch
Picture from https://bit.ly/2tscx4F
We got a task from Capstone to do a pitching video about or project. Since we aren't allowed to publish that much of our progress, we cam up with this. Hope you enjoy our video and at the end, you will be cracked up!


  1. The video is unfortunately not/no longer available! Please check why it doesn't work.

    1. That is interesting since I can see that video, but I'll try to fix it!


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